Have Vinyl & Paper Scraps?
Messy crafters unite! We know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to keep your vinyl and paper scraps under control. That’s why we’re hosting a live class to share our secrets to organizing like a pro. You won’t want to miss this one! Sign up now.
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Less mess, more masterpieces: join us and see for yourself! Yes Please!!
The LIVE class is on Feb. 28th on my Print Cut Craft Facebook Page!
Join Us and Say Goodbye to Chaos in Your Craft Space! ????????????????
Our live class will teach you how to create a system for managing your vinyl and paper scraps, so you can spend less time hunting for materials and more time crafting.
Sign up now and take the first step towards a clutter-free workspace. Grab the printable files & supply list needed to get you organized. Then meet me on the Print Cut Craft FB page at 7 PM CST on Feb. 28th to watch how easy this process is. ???? Sign up today!
Organize your crafting, unleash your creativity!????????
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